The Woking Talking Newspaper depends on volunteers for all its activities, which fall into three basic sections.
Administration teams manage the register of subscribers and carry out the task of booking in and booking out the weekly recordings that are issued on USB thumb drives.
The recording PRODUCER manages the weekly recording of the news and prepares the master thumb drive for copying.
The teams of readers manage the material that is used as the basis for the recording. They will select articles for reading as well as reading specific items that the subscribers request. The objective is to provide a well balanced news programme with articles of news, local interest, entertainment and sport.
The production teams manage the copying of the master thumb drive onto the units distributed to subscribers by using a high speed duplicator. They also ensure that the copy thumb drives are placed inside each postal wallet and that the address label for the recipient is correctly inserted. Please use the form below if you want to volunteer for WTN. PLEASE NOTE: Your personal details and those by proxy will be stored securely under the
Please use this form if you want to volunteer for WTN
PLEASE NOTE: Your personal details and those by proxy will be stored securely as set out in the UK GDPR. Submission of these details will imply consent for usage in accordance with the Data Protection Policy of WTN found HERE